The quest to reduce or even stop the production of hazardous gases is one most fascinating endeavours that is likely to take place on a worldwide scale.
As you could know, most developed and developing nations shared the goal of taking bold action to combat climate change, which is crucial for reaching sustainable development objectives and lowering the earth's temperature. It is estimated that humans activities are responsible for about 1°C rise of the global warming. Such activities include burning coal, gasoline, or diesel in an automobile or in an industrial setting, which releases exhaust fumes, which in return raises the atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrous oxide (N2O), and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). Because of the warming effect that these gases have on the climate, they are known as "green house gases," and an increase in their concentrations might hurt the globe and affect the climate, which could brings about;
🌊 Flood
When human activities such as burning of coal, gasoline, and diesel are combined, they cause environmental pollution, which can contribute to an increase in the earth's temperature. As a result, the world's ice regions will begin to melt, increasing the volume of water in the seas, rivers, and water canals, potentially leading to flooding. This could result in the loss of life, property, and diseases.
🏜️ Drought
Some parts of the world undergo periods of dryness, which makes agricultural cultivation difficult, let alone having an abundance of food. This condition is extremely detrimental to the food industry. Because when there is insufficient food in circulation in a certain region, food prices in that region rise. This could lead to malnutrition and a slew of ailments.
As a result, all human activities that includes combustion of gasoline in automobile engines and the burning of coal, which when compounded contribute to global warming which could leads to famine, must be reduced and recycled. So that we can have a cleaner and safer environment that can support the growing of plentiful foods at a lower cost for human consumption.
💉 Health
When these toxic gases are released into the environment, they combine, endangering the oxygen we need to survive. This can also lead to foggy conditions that can last for days before dissipating. Visibility loss and numerous airborne diseases may result from this haze. Which could leads to death.
For example, there have been incidents of foggy conditions lasting for many days in the United Kingdom and the United States, resulting in the deaths of thousands of people as a result of the combined actions of burning coal, gasoline, and so many hazardous gases that are released into the environment.
💲 Economy
When there is environmental pollution, it is necessary to reduce, and recycle the pollutants that have already been released into the environment, and the best method of reducing and recycling those pollutants is to conduct research to find an effective and efficient system that can combat the environmental damage that has already been done. And, in order to carry out those studies successfully, a large quantity of money will be required. Because various tests will be carried out, new equipments will be required to carry out the research. When the research is finished and ready to be scaled up, new machines, manpower, and materials will be required to perform the work, necessitating a large investment.
🔍 Solutions
As a result, we don't need to pollute the environment in the first place, because releasing those hazardous gases into the ecosystem will have several health and economic effects. Therefore, the emissions of these harmful gases must be balanced. We must absorb significantly more than we discharge into the environment.
As a result, preventing those harmful sources that could cause pollution, choosing less impactive options, and minimizing the use of hazardous energy sources by switching to alternative energy sources with less detrimental effects on the environment are the best ways to mitigate the emissions of harmful gases, and also the health and financial costs associated with environmental pollution.
️💯That's why there is need to switch from gasoline and diesel to alternative fuels which have lower vehicle emissions, relatively low cost, available for home use, and provide simple on-site fuelling.
So these alternative fuels include;
➡ Solar Energy
➡️ Hydropower
➡️ Wind Energy
➡ Biomass
Have a wonderful weekend,
Buhari yakubu isah.🤗
Here are my YouTube videos🎥
If you're more curious about global warming and how to reduce it, here is my video
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